Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We've had some foggy mornings and evenings which tells us that the warm air is meeting the colder water. It seems like we often have fog in the fall and the spring when we have the most obvious weather changes.

One thing about living on the Gastineau Channel during this foggy time is that you get to hear the ship's fog horns. This clip looks really dark - its not that dark out yet. The Amsterdam just left the Juneau Harbor and is heading down the channel towards Marmian Island...

Did you hear how long the echo of the horn lasted? The Gastineau channel is about 5 miles long and the ships are traveling very slow. If you sound your fog horn every two minutes how many blasts do you hear... in the morning starting around 5 am? and then multiple this by 3-5 ships all coming into town and docking by 7 am. In the evening they are usually gone by 11 pm.

oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it was raining.

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