Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Breadline Trail - not for whiners

We're still working on our list of trails from the 90 Short Walks Around Juneau book, and with the weather being snow, ice, and rain free we've been taking advantage of the opportunity to tick off more trails. For this adventure we choice the Breadline Trail. The breadline is actually the channel of water that is between Tee Harbor and Amalga Harbor and is got its name because of the incredible fishing. The book says that the trail was originally used by workers in the Tee Harbor cannery make a treck over to Amagla Harbor for the Saturday night festivities. It seems like a pretty long and rugged walk to me but then I've never worked in a cannery nor have I had to walk to school uphill - both ways. My route to school was relatively flat - both ways.

Based on this sign we weren't sure what shape the trail would be in so were pleasantly surprised when we came across this cute little bridge and boardwalk not far down the trail.

And then we turned the corner and ran into about 50 yards of muck and mud (they are different, you know, mud is just perified muck without the gunk in it!). We had decided NOT to wear our xtratufs for some reason and we were really wishing we had brought them because it wasn't too late to turn around and get them. We also decided that if the trail condition was like that for much longer we'd have to turn around.

But the trail did get better. It wound itself through the trees. This picture looks a little dark - oh yeah, I had my sunglasses on.

Access to the beach for fishing requires a steep cliff decent. And then an even steeper cliff ascent hopefully with a nice-sized king. Reminded me of cliff climbing at Chitina.

We found beach access down a cliff that wasn't too steep to walk back up. And enjoyed the sun and light that came out to greet us.

To the North

We saw a lot of trees that had huge fungus pieces on them - some of them were the size of a dinner plate.

On the beach

We followed the trail until we started to see houses (on Cohen Road) and we made several attempts to work our way up the cliff towards where we thought the road was but kept running into No Trespassing signs. We had see the Cohen Road trail maker on a previous drive so we knew there had to be a way out. We backtracked and finally found the right trail. And then we also started to notice all the surveys tape hanging from the trees. Geeze - what a couple of ol' blonds! We were just to engrossed in the beauty of the woods we didn't see the bold statements of "Follow Me to the Way Out."

We had to do a bit more climbing and as we moved away from the coast the trail became that more familiar muck and mud, although it wasn't as bad as what we saw on the way in.

Ah we made it to the other side!

And then we walked back on the highway about 1.5 miles back to our car. So this is one of those trails that we're glad we did it but there's no reason to do it again. We've found much more interesting trails (some just as mud and mucky) that we'd rather do over - guess they just had a better pay=off in the end.

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