Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter Time feast

We didn't use the fancy egg coloring for our easter eggs ( Christian Easter or the Russian Orthodox Easter which was celebrated on April 19) but we did use beet juice and pickles eggs and beets.

I used Brooksie's recipe:
  • 2-16 oz can whole beets (I boiled up about 8 beets a bit bigger than a golf ball)
  • 2 c white vinegar
  • 3/4 c sugar
  • 2 T pickling spice (I used 1/2 t cinnamon, 1/4 t cloves, couple shakes of not red pepper flakes)
  • 1 1/2 t salt
  • 12 hard cook eggs

Drain liquid from the beets, reserving 1/4 c liquid*. In 3 quart pan over medium heat the 1/4 c beet juice, vinegar, sugar, pickling spice and salt to boiling. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 10 minutes. In 2 quart jar, layer eggs and beets. Pour vinegar mixture into jar. Cover and let marinate in frig at least 12 hours.

*Since I used fresh beets I washed them real good before boiling them and then reserved some of that juice.

For a salad dressing I added some olive oil to the pickling juice and shook it up with a little fresh minced garlic and black pepper.

Tim thought you should see what our plate looked like. (Rib Steak with Penzey's chicago seasoning, curry sauted zucchini, jasmine rice). Note: the liquid in the wine glass is not beet juice.

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