An mature male eagle was perched in the tree!
This came from Eaglechat - a southeast Alaska Birders group normally commenting on bird sightings:
Field marks and habits for the Sun (For those of you that haven't seen it much and need a refresher for identification): Generally round. Size varies depending on time of day. Color ranges from brilliant red to blinding yellow-white. Less active in winter than summer. Resident, but can be shy, often hiding behind banks of clouds for days or even weeks at a time.
Beth Peluso
My nephew enrolled at UAS this fall and moved into the dorms. He participated in the freshman orientation and seemed to get a good introduction to college life and what to expect for the semester. He said he's got a great bunch of roomates and so far is happy to have come. We even had really crappy weather for the first couple of days that he was here so he really knows what to expect. As an incentive or what we like to call "research tools" he was given a water resistant backpack for books and materials and a pair of Extratuffs! gotta love practicality!