Sunday, March 4, 2007

Splurging for furniture

Tim and I have been married for just over 20 years now and most of the furniture we've had has been passed on from family members or has been picked up at garage sales. When we came here to Juneau we really splurged when we purchased a new couch and lounge chair. So keeping in that spirit we'd like to thank the CDE bookstore for furnishing our end tables, coffee table and bedroom furniture.

Its amazing what you can do with a little bit of packing tape and some Thompson Publishing boxes! Since we know we won't be staying here for very long we didn't want to get rid of the great boxes we have or the yards and yards of bubble wrap. So we stuff the boxes full of bubble wrap and some smaller boxes, taped them together and covered them with some upholstery fabric and some upholstery tacks. Thank goodness for Joann's Fabric.

This one is topped by a runner that my Mom made.

Here we have a freebie from the moving company. They had to add a box to help hold some of our stuff in place so this is a mover's dish box. You can't tell from this picture but my feet are usually sitting atop the box. We really struck gold on this because it was filled with newsprint which helped cover another big box that's now a TV stand.

Behold the box that my extra monitor was mailed in from CDE. Its the perfect height for a living room end table.

And the guest bedroom is being prepare for Mel and Kathy's visit next week.

The bedside tables in our bedroom were the last to be finished.

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